9| Franchisee System Introduction *REQUIRED

9| Franchisee System Introduction *REQUIRED

In order to use and operate through the system correctly and efficiently, we at Flowte request that you challenge yourself with some helpful tasks that will get you trained and ready to become a Flowte expert!

If you find yourself stuck at any point, please refer to the knowledge base to assist you along the way, and if you have come short, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Task 1: Setting up a location 
Set up a location with the following details:
- Name the Location “Flowte *your region*” as well as the physical location.

Task 2: Setting up a Non-seated Location
Set up a non-seated location with the following details:
- Name the Non-seated Location “Flowte *your region* non-seated” as well as the physical location. 

- Create 2 Sections, one named “General Admission” with the capacity of 100, and the other section named “VIP” with a capacity of 10.
Instructions are available in this guide  (https://help.flowte.com/portal/en/kb/articles/managing-venues)

Task 3: Setting up a Seated Location

Create a seated location with the following details: 
- Name the Seated Location “Flowte *your region* Seated”
- Create a Stage
- Place 6 rows off 22 seats 
- Place a bathroom Icon to the top left of the location
- Place the focal point on the stage
Instructions are available in this guide  (https://help.flowte.com/portal/en/kb/articles/managing-venues)

Using the select tool, make sure to highlight your rows and then assign a category as well as number your rows and your seats

Task 4: Setting up a Booking
Set up a booking with the following details; 

- Name the Booking “Flowte *your region* Booking” 
- Select the Seated Venue created above. 
- Select 3 dates, being the next 3 Saturdays.
- Set the time for the booking to be at 15:30 for all 3 bookings. 
- Create two tickets, one named “General Admissions” costing 20, and another named “VIP” costing 200.
- Ensure that the Selection type is “Buttons”.
Instructions are available in this guide (https://help.flowte.com/portal/en/kb/articles/1-events-15-9-2022)

Task 5: Setting up a Product
Set up a product with the following details; 

- Select the Location you created in Task 1.
- Name the Product “Flowte *your region*Shirts”.
- Create one Option named “White shirt” costing 10 and having a quantity of 20.
- Create another Option named “Black shirt” costing 12 and having a quantity of 25.
- For each Option, upload a picture corresponding to each.
- Add a delivery method, name this “car” costing 10.
- Upsell the Product with the Booking you recently created.
Instructions are available in this guide (https://help.flowte.com/portal/en/kb/articles/adding-products)

Task 6: Setting up an Audience 

First add your contacts to the CRM, add your contact card to your contact

Click on tags and then proceed to add Flowte as a contact tag

Now you can proceed to go to admin>preferences>settings

Locate your tag and enable your tag to be used as a contact tag

You can now go to audience and then choose the contact tag option as seen below:

Once you select your contact tag you can generate your audience.
Set up an audience with the following details;
- Add a tag named “Flowte”
- Add 2 new contact profiles, 

First Name: Nadene 
Last Name: Herbst
Email Address: nadene@flowte.com
Contact tag: Flowte

First Name: Christin
Last Name: Brazier
Email Address:
Contact Tag: Flowte

- Generate an Audience with the 2 contacts mentioned above.
Instructions are available in this guide (https://help.flowte.com/portal/en/kb/articles/managing-campaigns)

Task 7: Setting up a Template

Create a template with the following details;
- Name the Template “Flowte *your region* Template”
- Create the Template with a greeting.
- Add in an image.

Task 8: Setting up a Campaign 
Create an email campaign with the following details;
- Name the Campaign “Flowte *your region* Campaign” 

- Include the Audience you created above. 
- Use the Template you created above.
- Send the email to contacts.
Instructions are available in this guide (https://help.flowte.com/portal/en/kb/articles/managing-campaigns)

Task 9: Setting up a Renewal
Create a Renewals audience with the following details;
- Name the audience "Renewals"

- Create a list of all the contacts that have purchased a bundle previously
- Exclude the audience that have renewed the bundle
Instructions are available in this guide (https://help.flowte.com/portal/en/kb/articles/managing-campaigns)

Once you have completed these tasks, please reach out and inform us in order to kick-start your franchise! *This is a requirement before moving forward.