10 | Automation

10 | Automation

Adding a Workflowte

Go to Fan Engagement > Automation

You can activate, deactivate or edit  by clicking on ''activate''. ''deactivate'' or ''edit''

You will have these options:
  1. Time before an event
  2. Time after an event
  3. Time after successful scan for event
  4. Time before an event a successful scan is made
  5. Time after event is bought
  6. Time after product is bought
  7. Time after item with tag is bought
  8. Time after tag added to contact

  Select when you want your workflowte to be sent:

Select how many minutes, hours, Days weeks or months.

Select the following options:
  1. Send a campaign - Emails your campaign
  2. Send me a notification - Internal notification
  3. Select your template - Selects your template
Next you will see a preview of the email template that you've selected:

If you are happy with your Workflowte you can proceed by clicking on the save workflowte button.