3 | Bookings

3 | Bookings

Add Booking

1. Go to Storefront  >E-Commerce > Booking > tap "add event"
2. Pick event venue from list > tap continue
3. Enter booking name (no symbols)> tap continue 
4. Tap dates box > set booking date(s) > tap continue
5. Modify times as needed > tap continue
6. Optional: The "+ symbol" adds more timeslots
7. Optional: Duplicate time slots via clipboard icon 
8. Enter ticket types & prices (e.g. adult, child, etc.)
9. Tap "add ticket" if additional tickets needed
10. The settings cog displays extra ticket settings:
11. Set name & price for ALL tickets > tap continue.
12. Optional: Set any extra charges (read more)
13. Tap "Create Booking"

Create a new booking using the copy booking feature:
1. Go to Storefront >E-Commerce> Booking > Copy Booking
2. Pick the booking you want to copy from the list.
3. Enter number of copies needed
4. Pick if you want to copy all timeslots
5. Name the copied booking(s)
6. Enter dates for the new booking(s)
7. Tap "Copy Booking".
8. Your copied booking(s) are now live

Edit Booking

Storefront >E-Commerce> Booking > Edit Booking > Edit fields > Save

Booking Name: Edit the booking name
Booking Categories: Edit the booking category
E-Ticket: Edit e-ticket for this booking
Ticket: Edit printed ticket design READ GUIDE
Upsell: Pick products to "upsell" in the sales flow
Scan Start: Minutes before event scanning starts
Scan End: Minutes after event scanning ends
Secret Event: Visible online (No) or hidden (Yes) 
Multi Contacts: Customer data per order or per ticket
Event Description: Edit event description
Times And Pricing: Edit time or price of event
Edit Ticket Settings. Edit settings cog READ GUIDE
Selection Text: Replace "booking time" with custom text
Deactivate button: deactivate or reactivate booking
Order Limits: Max tickets allowed per order
Contact Limit: Max tickets allowed per customer
Drag & Drop arrows: Reorder tickets via arrow icons
Edit Booking Image: Edit booking image as follows:
1. Tap current image > Select new file (max 20mb)
2. Larger images load slower
Selection Type: Choose booking time's display style:
1. Dropdown - shows times in dropdown. 
2. Buttons - show times as buttons 

Edit Booking Capacity
1. Go to Storefront >E-Commerce > Booking > Select Booking
2. Tap "Edit Times & Prices" > pick date
3. Edit capacities per section
4. Capacity must exceed held & sold seats.
5. Tap "Save".

Add Extra Charges

Booking > Edit Booking > Edit Prices > Extra Charges
You can add 4 types of extra charges: delivery fees, taxes, per item or per transaction fees

Add Delivery Types & Fees
1. Bookings must have add at least one delivery option
2. Tap "Add Delivery" for each option required 
3. Insert delivery name & price (mail, FedEx, etc.) 
4. Tap the cog icon to set options below > then 'save'

Sales Source - Set the sales channels 
Fixed or % fees: Tap the '$/%' icon to toggle.
Send E-Ticket: also send an e-ticket?
Address Required Online: is address entry required?
Define ticket & sections: set applicable items

Adding Taxes 

Booking > Edit Booking > Edit Prices > Extra Charges
1. Tap Add Tax
2. Enter tax name and tax rate.
3. Tap the cog > set items the tax applies to
4. Specify if tax is inside or outside item price

Adding per item / per transaction charges 

Booking > Edit Booking > Edit Prices > Extra Charges
1. Tap Add Item Fee or Add Transaction Fee
2. Enter fee name and fee rate.
3. Tap the cog > set items the fee applies to
4. Specify if fee is inside or outside item price

Edit an existing extra charge
Go to booking > dynamic pricing > follow steps below

Edit Prices (Dynamic Pricing)

1. Used to mass update event times
2. Go to Booking> Your Booking > Dynamic Pricing
3. Pick Item Prices, Item Fees or Delivery Fees

Update Item Price
1. Tap 'Update Item Price'
2. Tap the timeslot to edit > Tap  'Confirm'
3. All existing tickets & prices are shown
4. Enter new names & prices > tap 'Update Ticket'.
5. Optional: Tap to enable/disable existing tickets
6. Optional: Tap cogwheel to edit ticket properties
7. To add a new ticket >enter details >tap 'add ticket'
8. On success "update successful" shows
9. Be sure to add extra charges to new tickets!

Update Item Fees
1. Tap 'Update Item Fees' 
2. Tap the timeslot(s) to edit > Tap  'Confirm'
3. All existing tickets & prices are shown
4. Enter new names & fees > tap 'Update'
5. To add new fee >enter details >tap 'add'
6. Optional: Tap cogwheel to edit fee properties
7. To remove a fee > tap cog > uncheck ticket(s)
8. You cannot edit item fees > instead do this...
9. Remove the 'old' fee and add a 'new' fee
10. On success "update successful" shows

Update Delivery Fees
1. Tap 'Update Delivery Fees' 
2. Tap the timeslot(s) to edit > Tap  'Confirm'
3. All existing deliveries & prices are shown
4. Enter new names & fees > tap 'Update'
5. To add new delivery >enter details >tap 'add'
6. Optional: Tap cogwheel to edit properties
7. To delete delivery > tap cog > uncheck ticket(s)
8. You cannot edit item fees > instead do this...
9. Remove the 'old' fee and add a 'new' fee
9. On success "update successful" shows

Ticket and Seat Holds

1. Use holds with seated & gen. Admission booking
2. After adding a booking, you can create or copy holds
3. Go to Ticketing> Booking > Booking Info> Edit Prices
4. Your seat map shows with all available seats

Adding a seated booking hold
1. Tap "New Hold" > name your hold
2. Set your hold colour for this hold type. 
3. Click on save hold and repeat if needed

To assign seats to a hold type
1. Select your seat(s) > Tap 'Holds'
2. Tap your 'hold type' > The seat colour will change
3. Held seats can be processed in back office.
4. Held seats cannot be processed online

To remove seats from a hold type
1. Select your seat(s) > Tap 'Holds'
2. Tap Remove Seat Hold
3. These seats are now available for sale. 

Copy a hold from an event or event time
1. Tap on Copy Holds. 
2. Pick event times you wish to copy holds to.
3. NB Any existing holds will be overwritten

To sell / issue a ticket from a hold 
1. Storefront - Select Your Booking.
2. Select the seats you wish to process.
3. These seats are a new colour
4. On hover, the hold type is highlighted.
5. Select seats > process order as normal
6. These seats are now allocated.

Adding a general admission (GA) hold 
1. Select your booking > Edit Prices
2. Tap the 'Held' icon (pencil) > tap the '+' icon
3. Enter hold name, quantity and hold colour. 
5. Repeat this process if needed
6. These tickets are now held

Editing GA Holds
1. Tap the 'Held' icon (pencil) 
2. Increase / reduce your hold numbers.
3. Click save > the hold count is now updated.

Sell tickets from a GA hold 
1. Storefront - Select Booking - Select booking time
2. Select hold type you wish to process from.
3. Insert the number of tickets required 
4. The number of tickets available for this hold shows
5. Process this transaction as normal.
6. The tickets are now sold & the held ticket(s) gone.

Away Tickets for Sports Teams

Away Game Tickets for Home Fans
To sell your home fans tickets to an away game:
1. Create a GA venue called 'Away Venue'. 
2. Create an 'Away Game' using the 'Away Venue'
3. Sell the allocated amount of tickets to your fans. 
4. Add custom e-ticket with all match-day info etc.
5. Assign the custom e-ticket to the away game 

Home Game Tickets for Away Fans
To sell away fans tickets to your home game: 
1. Add a contact called 'Away Team Name'.
2. Add a ticket called 'Away Ticket'
3. Set price and quantity for 'away ticket'
4. Sell your allocation to your 'Away Team' contact. 
5. You can report on away games effectively

Special Ticket Settings

Order Min: Minimum order quantity (e.g. group ticket)
Order Max: Max order quantity (e.g. group ticket)
Scan Max: Maximum scans allowed for this ticket
Daily Scans: Maximum scans allowed per day.
Description: Set a ticket description (e.g. adults only)
Description Online: Is description visible online?
Dependency: Link 2 tickets (e.g. child requires adult)
Contact Tag: Purchaser requires tag (e.g. 'member')
Quantity: Max quantity available for sale
Start Date / End Date: Sales start & end dates
E-Tix: Set e-ticket template
Printer-Tix: Set printed ticket template 
Sources: Define sales channels allowed 
Hidden: Set ticket to be secret or hidden.
Password: Purchaser requires password
Ticket Tag: Assign this tag to any purchaser