1 | Products

1 | Products

A "location" is an outlet for your sale of products.  e.g. "London" Outlet

1. Navigate to Retail & Hospitality > Locations
2. Tap Add Location (you can add multiple)
3. Name the location.
4. Enter address of the location (optional) 
5. Click "Add Location" and the page will now display the location in a table

1. Retail & Hospitality > Products > Add Product
2. Select location your product will be held in.

3. Enter the name of the product . Avoid using special characters which may be interpreted differently by different browsers.
Product names should not exceed 30 characters.

Product Categories 
Add a category: click the green 'Yes' button and enter the tag you wish to associate with this product and your customers. 

Product Description
Insert your product description. You may use plain text or HTML for your product description. Click on 'Source' in the text editor to enable it.

Price Information
Add variations of your product(s)

Option Name - Set the name of the variation e.g. "Large" or "Away Jersey
Option Price - Set the price for this specific variation
Option Quantity - Set the current quantity / stock of this variation.
Optional Per Option (click on the blue cog wheel to open)
Min - Minimum amount required to purchase this option per order
Max - Maximum amount allowed to purchase this option per order
Max Scans - Related to products to be scanned
Max Scans per Day - Related to products to be scanned
Option Description - Custom additional description that will display online
Sales Settings
Show Description Online - Show the description during online sale
Hidden Option - Don't display the option except if via direct url to product
Available Online - Item is available to buy online
Available Back Office - Item is available to sell by back office operator
Option Sales Start Date - Define a date that the item will not be available to purchase until after
Option Sales End Date - Define a date that the item will only be available to purchase before
Option Tags - Used for reporting and allowing for special offers
Option Design - If you want to define a unique emailed "receipt" for an item
Option Print Design - If you want to define a unique printed "receipt" for an item
Add Images for each Variation of your Product

Add individual images to each variation of your product instead of creating different products to sell

1. Navigate to Retail & Hospitality > Products > Select Product.

2. Select "Option Pricing", and edit each variation, which will then be added in the storefront.
3. To set different images for just one product, please see here: https://help.flowte.com/portal/en/kb/articles/changing-product-image

Extra Product Charges

Delivery Fees 
1. To add an option click 'On' and then 'Add Delivery' to add an option and cost
2. Clicking the blue cogwheel icon allows you to fine tune availability of delivery options.

Sales Settings 
Available Online - Tickets available for purchase online
Available Back Office - Tickets available for purchase back office
Send E-Receipts - Determine whether receipts will be send by email, otherwise they will only be printable from the transaction Info page.
Address Required Online - This will force an address to be taken when a customer purchases a ticket.
Venue Section - Restrict delivery options by venue section. Especially useful for VIP sections or Seated Products.
Ticket Type - Choose one or multiple delivery methods by type of ticket. 

Taxable Product

Click 'On' to add a tax charge to your product.
Tax - Select the tax you wish to add from the drop-down menu. You may create and edit taxes in Settings > Accounts

Inside/Outside Charge - Select as required. Your selection here will be reflected in the reports generated about this product.
Area - If your product venue has different sections you may choose to apply different taxes to different areas.
Product Options - You can choose to apply taxes based upon product options here.
Add Tax - To add another type of tax click 'Add Tax' again and use the cog wheel to configure it as before.

Item Fees
An item fee is added to each ticket in a transaction. You may add an item fee by clicking the green 'Yes' button.
Fee Name - The name you wish to give the fee.
Fee Value - The value of the fee.
Inside / Outside Charge - Select as required. Your selection will be reflected in the reports generated about this product.

Click the blue cogwheel to further customise the fee.

Sales Source - Choose if you would like to charge the item fee Online, in the Back Office, or both.
Area - If your product venue has different sections you may choose to apply different item fees to different areas.
Ticket Type - Choose the product option you wish to apply the item fee to.
Add Fee - To add another item fee click 'Add Fee' again and use the cog wheel to configure it as before.

Adding an product to your Website
1. Go to the Product Info page > product URL’s
2. Get the link > paste it in your website to sell directly from there. 
Use the Product Category URL to create specific pages by category on your website. 

How to Edit an Existing Product / Product Options
1. Edit existing product details: Retail & Hospitality > Products > select the product and edit > Save
2. Edit an option: select "Option Pricing" > Edit > Save
3. Disable a product: click "Deactivate". Click "Activate" if you want to make it available again.