Detail Report:
This report provides information about the individuals or customers who made purchases. It includes details such as their names, contact information, and the specific items they purchased. However, this report does not focus on financial aspects.
The overview report gives you a high-level summary of the total amount of money you have made. It provides a general picture of your earnings without specifying the individuals or customers involved. This report is not related to who is attending bookings but focuses on the overall revenue generated.
Overview Report = Card reader + Cash + Comp + Card + Other
If a negative appears within the overview report, this is due to the transaction being refunded to a customer that had made a purchase outside the specified time run in the report. This may cause the report to not match the Detail report or billing report because the funds are not subtracted from the total of the overview report. This is because the overview report is a more in-depth reporting of all transactions within the time frame specified, thus including any and all transactions made, in order for that transaction to be made clear and not lost or looked over within the reporting. The detail and billing report have different functions, which do not include having to contain in-depth transactional reporting like the overview report does.
Please note that the transaction date and booking time will never align in the overview reports.
The transaction date represents the date when the order or refund was placed.
The booking date encompasses orders for bookings that took place in that time period, regardless of when the order or refund was placed
Billing Report:
The billing report is used to calculate fees that you charge to your customers. It helps you keep track of the charges associated with your products or services. This report is primarily financial in nature and assists in managing the financial aspect of your business.
In order to determine the Total revenue for the billing report, the amounts of Cash, Card, Card Reader and Other are added together.
E-commerce Report:
The e-commerce report is a financial report that provides a detailed breakdown of how much money you made per booking, service or product. It offers a granular view of your earnings by breaking down the revenue generated from each item individually. This report is specific to e-commerce transactions and provides insights into the financial performance of your bookings, services or products.
Time Slot Report vs. Detail Report:
The booking summary report excludes tax when providing information on the amounts of money generated. On the other hand, the detail report includes tax in its calculations. Therefore, depending on your requirements, you can refer to either report to obtain revenue figures with or without tax considerations.
It is crucial to understand that each report may yield different numbers. To obtain accurate figures, it is essential to use the specific report that meets your requirements. Depending on the information you seek, whether it's detailed customer data, an overview of overall earnings, billing calculations, or booking/item-specific financial breakdowns, selecting the appropriate report is necessary to ensure accurate results. Therefore, it is important to consider the purpose of the report and choose accordingly to obtain the correct figures for your analysis or decision-making processes.
The reason for this disparity in figures is rooted in the varying methodologies and criteria used to generate each report. For instance, the detail report focuses on individual customer purchases, whereas the overview report provides a summarized view of overall earnings. The billing report specifically calculates fees, while the e-commerce report breaks down revenue per booking/item.
Billing report vs. Detail Report
Both reports are accurate, but it's important to consider the options available in the billing report. At present, the billing report includes the ticket count but does not factor in the deliveries when it comes to payment calculations. However, in the detailed report, the deliveries are accounted for as individual line items.
In summary, the billing report shows the ticket count accurately but doesn't include deliveries in payment calculations. However, the detailed report includes deliveries as separate line items for a more comprehensive overview.