3. Get Contact Details For Season Ticket Holders With Details
Analytics > Order Reports
There can be a number of situations where you may need to get a list of existing season ticket holders. This can be done using the contact list builder and selecting the season revenue game. However, you may want more details about the individual ticket sales such as the areas and seats they have, etc. To do this either with the package season or the season revenue booking setup, it is the same process.
1. set the sales date range to "custom" but don't select any dates
2. set the booking date range to include all bookings across the season or if you have a season revenue booking, select the date that has been set for it as the start and end date
3. set the "filters" to decide on which data you will need, make sure you include the ticket type filter. The more specific you have it the quicker the report will run so select the specific data you want to be able to report and filter on
4. click update (this may take some time depending on the amount of sales that have taken place)
5. once the report opens, you will see new filters at the top of the screen. Select the ticket type for the package and you will now see all the details for the sales of this ticket type. Continue to filter based on your needs to get the data you need.
6. you will be able to export the results as a csv / excel file to have as a list or as a pdf or print if you want it to read