Company Name - This column contains the company the contact you are importing is attached to. If this company does not exist in Flowte it will be created automatically and the contact will be attached to it.
Job Title - The contacts job title within the company they are associated with.
First / Last Name - The contacts name.
Email - The contact will be given a stand in email adress ( if this column is left blank.
Phone - The contacts phone number.
Notes - Write any notes you have about a specific contact in this section. It will be attached to the contact and will be visible on the contacts Contact Info page in the Notes section.
Subscribed - Is the contact opted in or out for marketing lists. If Y the contact has opted in.
Tags - The Flowte tags you wish to have associated with this contact. If you have more than one tag please separate them with a comma. I.E. 'Lead, Arts, Theatre'
Address Line 1 / Address Line 2 / City / County / Country / Postcode - These are all fields available for the contacts address. Use any or all you require. However the Country column is required. The import will be rejected for this contact if Country is omitted.
Step 4: Once the file is completed > save the .csv file. Return to Flowte > Help Icon > Case > submit a case with your import file attached. The Flowte Support team will then schedule the import as set out below
Step 5: The Flowte Support team must import the file for you. Once the import is completed they will be shows the alert above to say your import has been scheduled. You can carry on working in Flowte and when the import has been completed you will receive an email confirming the import was a success.
When you schedule an import it is added to the import table at the bottom of the screen, from here you can see who scheduled the import, the type of import scheduled, and the status of the import.
Import Lines shows you how many lines of data is to be imported.
Result Lines will display if any of the lines of data you are importing have failed and have been rejected.
Imported Lines will tell you how many lines of your data have been imported successfully.
If there has been any errors in importing your data you will sent a copy 'Exported Result' . This is a downloadable CSV file containing the lines which were not imported and the reason for each.