6 | Boards

6 | Boards

Creating boards 

CRM > Boards

1. Click on Add stage.
2. Name the stage appropriately and select add stage, this can be done multiple times to create the necessary stages.
3. Click on Add card.
4. Name the card appropriately and select which stage the card will belong to using the dropdown menu, where you can find all the stages you have created.
5. Once a card has been created, you can manipulate which stage it is in by simply clicking on the card and dragging it under the appropriate stage.

Adding a custom field to your board:

You can now add a custom field by clicking on +Add Custom field, then select the stage you would like your card to be under.

Choose what custom field you would like to add to your card:

Click on your selected custom field and proceed to add your data, click on add card to save.

When you click on the card on your board you will now be able to see the data reflected:

Deleting a stage 
Use these steps if you would like to remove a stage: 

1. On the stage you would like to remove, click the remove button on the top right of the stage.
2. Click Delete stage.

Please be aware that if you delete the stage, this will delete any cards that belong to that stage.

Deleting a card

Use these steps if you would like to remove a card.

1. Click into the appropriate card that you would like to remove.
2. Select the "remove" button on the top right.

Editing a card

If you would like to edit a card that you have already created, follow these steps:

1. Clicks into the appropriate card that you would like to edit.
2. Make the necessary adjustments, then select "save" button.

If you would like to add any additional information attached to your card, you may do so here by selecting the "upload file" button. 

Creating Card templates

1. Select "Card Templates" 
2. Select "Add Template" 

3. Fill in the required customizable fields that will set to each card within the selected board. 

4. Select "Create Template" once you have added in all the fields you desire. 

Creating multiple Boards 

1. Select "Boards" on the top left
2. Select "Add Board" 

3. Fill in the Boards name as well as selecting the card template from your previously made templates.
4. Click "Add Board" 

If you would like to switch through different boards you may do so by selecting "Boards" on the top left and then the desired board from the dropdown.