6 | Time Slot Report

6 | Time Slot Report

Time Slot Report

This report gives a summary of any booking in your organisation. It is particularly good if you want a quick snapshot of how a certain booking is performing. 

Navigate to Analytics > Time Slot Report 

1. Select your booking
2. Select your transaction date. You can choose pre-set time filters or use a custom date filter to generate the report you need. 
3. Click the update button and your report will appear. 

Report Tables.

1. Area:
This table shows you the different areas/sections in your venue broken down by 
a. Capacity
b. Ticket type
c. Price.
d. Quantity sold in each area/section.
e. Total revenue for each ticket type.

2. Source:
This table shows you the number of tickets split between internet order and back office orders. This chart is helpful to see how many of your orders are being driven online. 

3. Payment Type:
This table shows you the different payment types used to purchased tickets for the booking.

4. Ticket Type:
This table shows you the number of tickets sold per ticket type in the booking. This is helpful to identify which ticket types are most popular.